Danniel Radall really impressed me and grabbed my attention from the very first seconds of his track "On Mirror". Sleazy, glamorous and sexy structure along with a torturous low tempo beat, made me wanna know him better.
1. You recently released an EP called "Cocaine Love". What were your influences?
I tried to work over the whole concept of cocaine and its aesthetics in fashion, glam, 80's, nightlife, etc. It was easy because Jef Barbara is very careful when it comes about his image, I took every cliché I found related to it and I started to do my job.
I took some ideas from movies and pictures, also, having the artwork finished was really helpful, it was made by my sister.
Musically, I wouldn't name a band in particular because I'm mostly based on what I listen everyday, but if I had to, I would probably say New Order and Kool & the Gang.
2. How was the collaboration between you and Jef Barbara?
I wouldn't call it properly a collaboration. Actually, I only used the vocal stems from the original track
and then I re-worked the whole song 3 times, i performed and produced each instrument.
About 8 months ago I asked to Jef for Cocaine Love before Contamination was released but then I put it off for like 6 months, haha. So, when I finally got back on it I thought I should make it up to him somehow, so I decided I would do a few versions of it, and that's it.
3. How long have you been producing your own music?
I've been producing myself for around a year ago. I had been involved in production before with a few bands but this time I have full control, which is great if you're trying to keep clean the concept you have in mind.
4. You look very stylish. Does the image play an important role for you and why?
Aww thanks! Definitely it is as important as the sound. As I said, I try to maintain my own concept, and it's not just about sound or image, also attitude plays a lead role.
I find it a bit disappointing when I see a picture of an artist I like and I realize that it's not even close to what I expected, it's probably silly but unfortunately that's exactly how people think.
5. How would you describe your sound?
80's cops movies.
6. What are your future plans?
There are a few gigs in town that I am really interested to play, I'm still producing for it.
Steffaloo and I are about to release a single that we're very proud of, it is titled “To Make you Mine” and our friends Blackbird Blackbird and Sun Glitters are on it too.
Also, there's a video off Pardo EP in the making and a lovely remix from Okinawa Lifestyle's new material.
Jef Barbara | DannielRadall - On Mirror from broken machine films on Vimeo.